About Us Green Way Public Senior Secondary School

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Green Way Public Senior Secondary School

Green Way Public Senior Secondary School provides unique kind of education in Lucknow. The school plays an important role in preparing community leaders in the field of Science, Arts, Business, Industry, Politics and Sports. At Green Way Public School, we aim at making children capable of becoming responsible and productive members of a global society.

Here knowledge, skills and attitudes are inculcated in children through learning experiences and opportunities created for them in the school. It is in the class room that learners can analyze and evaluate their experiences, learn to doubt, to question, 'to investigate and are driven to think independently.

We firmly believe that knowledge should be imparted not only to make the learners literate but to educate them life skills, attitudes, emotions and values are equally crucial for the holistic development of the children. We are determined to maximize opportunity for everyone in our community by utilizing best practice strategies in a collaborative, co-operative and supportive environment. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you at the Green Way Public School.